| Photograph
| Illustration by Shigeyo Tajima
Illustration by Shigeyo Tajima Vol.1
- Like water plant
- Like water plant 2
- Step
Illustration by Shigeyo Tajima Vol.2
- Child's mind
- Prince of egg
- Prince of flog
Illustratin by Shigeyo Tajima Vol.3
- Echo in Ariadne of Naxos - Untitled
Illustration by Shigeyo Tajima
| Illustration by Shigeyo Tajima Vol.1 - Like water plant
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Illustration by Shigeyo Tajima Vol.1 - Like water plant 2
| Illustration by Shigeyo Tajima Vol.1 - Step
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Illustration by Shigeyo Tajima Vol.2 - Child's mind
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Illustration by Shigeyo Tajima Vol.2 - Prince of egg
Illustration by Shigeyo Tajima Vol.2 - Prince of flog
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Illustration by Shigeyo Tajima Vol.3 - Echo in Ariadne of Naxos
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Illustration by Shigeyo Tajima Vol.3 - Untitled